Well. Although our pantos always sell out before opening night, we've never seen it happen this early!
Thank you so much to everyone who's bought a ticket and we can't wait to entertain you in a couple of weeks....OH YES WE WILL!
If you have tickets and then find you can't make the show for any reason, or you've missed out on tickets and would like to go on a waiting list, you can email panto@fintrydrama.org.uk and we'll do our best to put genuine buyers and sellers in touch. We are aware of scammers offering tickets for resale on Facebook and would advise caution if you don't know the person.
Finally, three reminders for the show:
1. As usual, we'll be selling a variety of refreshments at the interval - soft drinks, alcohol, teas & coffees, crisps, chocolate, etc.
2. We expect the Community Song to lift the roof, so you might like to start warming up now.
3. Make sure you bring your best sweetie-catching skills 😊