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Two trophies for FADS but no big win this time...

The 'Mrs G' team is hugely disappointed to report that we didn't make it through to the SCDA Scottish Final. We were pleased with our performance, but the competition in Edinburgh was fierce. However, we did pick up the trophy for Best Stage Presentation, in recognition of our beautifully cluttered box set, running water and clearing of surfaces as the play went on. So, well done to Paul Anderson, Ian Turner and team for all the hammering, screwing, rigging, tinkering & tweaking.

Denver with the trophy for Best Stage Presentation

Denver with the trophy for Best Stage Presentation (photo: Walter Hampson)

Ian and Co. will now get on with prepping ‘Mrs G’ for its next airings – firstly in the East Kilbride RepFest, taking place in early May, followed by a tour to Orkney, along with the SSS Young Farmers and their award-winning comedy, ‘Little Grimley Presents…’.

Finally, in better news from last night, Jonny North and Kevin Boland's excellent production of 'Journey's End' was awarded the runner-up prize in the Eastern Division Full Length Festival for 2018/19. Huge congratulations to everyone involved….the winning play must have been something quite extraordinary to have topped your superb efforts.

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