Oct 31, 20202 min

Latest news and updates from the SCDA

Updated: Jan 27, 2021

One-Act Festival 2021

Given the ever-changing lockdown restrictions, the 2021 One-Act Festival - which would usually begin in March - is very much up in the air, As it stands, the British Final has been pushed back from July to September and SCDA has devolved the responsibility for the timing and conduct of district and divisional rounds to the four divisions.

The FADS entry will once again be 'Housebound', which got through to the divisional round this year but never had the chance to perform in St Andrews, thanks to the rotten virus. So we're all keeping our fingers crossed that the competition is able go ahead and the team has the opportunity to reach their full potential!

'Play on Words' play writing competition

In November SCDA will be launching a competition for playwrights in Scotland, with an open category for all ages and a 'young playwrights' category for the under '30s. The winners will have one-to-one mentoring sessions with ex-Artistic Director of Glasgow’s Citizens Theatre, Guy Hollands, to prepare for publication. More details on this soon.

New monologue competition for 2021

Making the best of the current online-only drama situation that most of us find ourselves in, SCDA is launching a new monologue competition with two strands: the first for writing and the second for performing. Details are still being finalised, but member clubs will be able to submit as many entries as they wish, though each writer and performer can only be involved in one entry, which should be between 3 and 6 minutes long. SCDA will be providing online resources to help writers and actors; further details and application forms will be on their website soon.

Zooming with SCDA!

1. The AGM will be held via Zoom on 7 November at 11am. If you would like at attend, you must register with the SCDA secretary - secretary@scda.org.ok

2. There will be a Zoom social evening on 6th November at 7.30pm. Again, you need to register for this event - secretary@scda.org.uk

Read the November SCDA newsletter here.

Follow SCDA on Facebook.
